Privacy Statement
We will treat all information we hold about you as private and confidential, at all times. It will be necessary, however, for us to disclose information that you consider confidential to (re)insurers or other parties, when acting on your behalf, where we reasonably consider such information to be material ot the risks being covered.
We wil not disclose any information we hold about you ot others except:
a) to the extent we are required to do so by law or regulator;
b) where ti is necessary to do so in order to provide our services to you (which might involve us disclosing information which you consider confidential or sensitive to (re)insurers);
c) at your request of with your consent.
Under Personal Data Protection Act 2010, you may have right of access to some or all of the information we hold about you, or to have inaccurate information corrected. If you wish to exercise either of these rights, please contact us ni writing. You agree that we may hold and process by computer or otherwise any information we hold about you ni order to provide our services to you.
Where you disclose personal data of your employees and or their family members ot us, including personal sensitive data, you wil ensure that you obtain all necessary consents so that the personal data you provide to us can be lawfully used or disclosed by us ni the manner and for the purposes anticipated by this Agreement.
We may operate a paperless office system and/or hold documents on your behalf only in electronic or digitized format. In these circumstances, we may operate a policy of destroying any hard copy documents that come into our possession for the purposes of providing our services ot you. Where this is the case, you recognize that we may only ever be able to provide to you electronic or digitized versions of any documents that we hold on your behalf. You accept that to the extent that you wish us to destroy or expunge from our systems any electronic or digitized versions of documents held on your behalf, we will not be able to destroy such documents that have become incorporated onto our hard drives or any other system onto which data is stored only for the purposes of disaster recovery.
Changes to this Privacy Statement
Tradewinds International Insurance Brokers Sdn Bhd reserves the rights to change this privacy statement at any time ni complying with Personal Data Protection Act 2010 by notifying you of the existence of a new privacy statement and extending to you a copy of such new privacy statement.
Updated: (11/12/2013)
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